2. 對許多水瓶座女子來說,人生都是一場無盡的探索。各各階層的人,各種五花八門的事,都應該被了解、被關懷。因此;如果你有個水瓶座的情人,你大可放心,她一定不會有太多時間黏著你。事實上,她或許還擔心你會無時無刻黏著她呢。
(Life is an endless journey of discovering to many Aquarius women. Such as different circles of people and all sorts of different things should be apprehended and cared for. If you have an Aquarian lover, you can rest assured that she wouldn't spend much of her time clinging to you. In fact, she might be worried that you are the one clinging to her 24/7 instead.)
Hahaha. Agreed as well for this one. If not I wouldn't be quoting it right? In a way, I'm curious in a lot of things and I wish to know more and gain more exposure too. I wanna open my eyes to everything and be more knowledgable. And yes, I HATE anyone who clings on to me like F. I hate these kind of people lahhh. I seriously can't stand them. Vice versa, I won't cling on to anyone as well.
3. 水瓶座的女人幾乎都不是「金權主義者」,一個男人是否擁有財富、地位並不是那麼重要。外表是否英俊瀟灑也不是她最重視的條件。她要尋找的是(在她心目中)有智慧、有胸襟,可以陪她一起追尋「人間道」的男人。喜歡吃醋,佔有慾太強,太偏激,太保守的人,絕不是她心目中的理想伴侶。
(Most Aquarius women aren't money minded. To her, it doesn't matter if a man has wealth and status or not. Appearance isn't her most important criteria. What she wants (in her heart) is a man who is intelligent and openhearted and willing to accompany her in the journey of life. Those who are jealous, possessive, extremist and conservative are definitely not her dream guys.)
Ehhh? I thought I love money very much? And I thought I want my man to be rich as well? Okok, got to reassess on that one. I do agree somehow that appearance wise doesn't really matter, as long as he's above average looking. But don't look horrendous or what lah. Like crooked teeth all over, then pimples/acnes/rashes everywhere on his face, skinny like a bag of bones or fat until he take up 3 seats in the MRT loh. That's too terrible already right? I admire smart guys but not too smart cause I don't want him to look down on me (I'm very gong one). Openhearted, yup. I want a generous man who doesn't mind giving. And hell yeah, I wouldn't want someone who's jealous or possessive till the extent that I can't go out with any guys. That's why I can't be with a Leo guy. Remember I said I value my freedom?
4. 你會發現她的朋友不少,而且,各種型都可能出現。因為水瓶座女子是擁有自己的道德法則,同時也尊重別人不同法則的。她喜歡跟各樣的朋友相處,而且也都能相處融冾。但有時侯她又會選擇作個獨行俠。遠離家人、朋友,甚至遠離你。請大方一點,給她一些自我的空間和時間,霸佔她的軀殼沒有什麼好處。不要疑神疑鬼,在她沒有和你分手之前,水瓶座女子會保持她的忠實。而且她只相信自己對你的評價,別人的看法是無法動搖她的。不要寄望她會把一切的行蹤、所有的想法,一字不漏的向你報告。水瓶座的女人不會喜歡說謊,但她堅持任何人都有「保留一點」的權利。當然,這樣的女子也不會要求你交出行程表和自白書的。水瓶座女子的「不多疑」,是她的另一項美德。
(You'll notice that she has quite a lot of different kinds of friends because Aquarius women have their own set of ethics and at the same time respect others for that. They enjoy hanging out and they get along well with different types of friends. But sometimes she'll choose to be a loner, getting away from her family, friends or even you. Please be giving towards her and leave her some personal space and time. Unreasonably possessing her empty shell will not have any advantages. Please don't be paranoid, before she breaks up with you, she will remain loyal to you. She only believes in her views towards you and others' doesn't affect her at all. Don't expect her to report all her whereabouts and thinking to you; Aquarius women doesn't like to lie but she insists that everyone should have their rights in preserving their little space. Of course, women like these doesn't expect you to report everthing to her either. Another virtue of Aquarius women is their non-suspecting character.)
How true can this be man?! I mean it's like as if the person who wrote this totally see through me. It's so accurate man! I have a lot of friends! I hang out with all sorts of people. Nice people, not those ah bengs or ah lians. I can be a super loner sometimes. I enjoy or I prefer to shop alone cause in this way, I won't let my friends wait for me. It's a less burden for me actually. Haha. Ya, everyone should have their own freedom (how many times have I said this?). Even if I do have a bf, I won't restrict his freedom and he can go out with whoever he wants. But don't cheat on me lah ass. Vice versa, I want him to give me my freedom as well and let me hang out with whoever I want. Ya, I hate lying - it makes me uneasy. I rather tell you the truth. And the truth hurts. Hahaha. Note that I seldom lie loh.
5. 她的服裝穿著可能經常令你目瞪口呆。有時侯高貴典雅,有時侯性感動人,有時侯俏皮可愛。不過,她的打扮通常是憑感覺,而不是看場合的。
(Her fashion sense may sometimes amazed you. At times, she might be elegant, sexy, cute but her appearance is usually based on her feeling and not on the occasion.)
I do dress according to my mood! Sometimes, I can be super feminine, tomboyish or even very shui bian in my outfit. Come on, I wear track shoes to work on Fridays, who the hell does that man?
6. 我想對於這樣明理懂事的水瓶座女孩,你唯一可以抱怨的就是她不夠熱情。她好像永遠都是涼涼的,從來沒有熱情如火的表現。外表的冷漠或許是表達方式的不同。但是,她們的內心是溫暖而需要熱情的。
(I think towards such sensible Aquarius women, the only thing you can complain about is, she's not that passionate. She always seems cool and it looks like she doesn't have any intense emotions. The coolness on the outside may be due to the difference in expressing but deep inside, they're warm and they need passion.)
The first impression that I gave people is I'm dao so what do you guys think leh? Cannot really say I'm unemotional lah. I just don't show much expression. I'm a warm person inside who also needs some passion 1 loh.
So after all these examples, do you find yourselves appreciating/understanding me more? Hahaha.